I have been noticing that ever since I went to my HERMS mash and conical fermenter, I have ended up at FG at the top of styles. This is happening on recipes that I had done for years under my older system. Only difference is using HERMS and the conical. Question is why and whether I’m doing something I shouldn’t. Advice is very welcome.
What do I typically do in my HERMS system :
Set HLT to a little above my strike temp, transfer mash volume to MT, recirculate until it is at my strike temp, mash in. And then one of two things happens —
- I either moved the HLT to 180 and set the MT PID to the sach temp; Thus, having the HERMS not really doing HERMs, but having the recirc only when temp drops.
- or I set the HLT to about the Sach temp and set the MT PID to higher; thus forcing the system to recirculate constantly.
What should I be doing? I am wondering if I set the HLT too high, do I denature the enzymes or if I recirculate at higher than the Sach temp, do I end up with more long chain sugars, thus being less fermentable.
I take very careful notes….but apparently not of this stuff. 🙁 I seem to be finding circumstantial evidence that I should do more the latter than the former, but could use some advice. Thanks, Steve